Tuesday, October 17, 2006

It's been a long time...

For the past several months i have been telling myself: "you really need to update your blog." 

I am finally listening. :)

Well there is a lot of catching up to do and it is not all going to be done in this post.

I just wanted to let both of my readers know that I am indeed still alive. School (and recruiting for jobs) hasn't gotten the best of me. The first quarter is drawing to a close, and I am still standing. 

Business school thing is fun, albeit challenging. Classes are interesting and applicable. My classmates come from all over the world and were doing various things from banking to professional hockey before school. I am just shy of 12.5% of the way through and I am having a blast. 

Check some of the next few posts for more on my experiences so far.

It's good to be back :)



Gina said...

Yay Q!

I am so excited you began to update your blog! And glad to hear everything is going well.

Talk to you soon,

Anonymous said...

Where's the update? It's November already!

-Steven Burda